For 30 years, every WWE Superstar has laced up their boots with one goal in mind, stealing the show at WRESTLEMANIA, but only one man has shined bright enough on the grandest stage to earn the nickname, MR. WRESTLEMANIA.
Now, relive over 15 show-stopping matches from the HEARTBREAK KID at the event that made him THE ICON. From his WrestleMania debut as one half of THE ROCKERS to his emotional Retirement Match against UNDERTAKER, every singles and tag team match from his historic run is collected here.
With an all new, never-before-seen interview get the inside story from HBK himself as you relive his gruelling Iron Man Match with BRET “HIT MAN” HART, the revolutionary Ladder Match with RAZOR RAMON, an epic encounter with THE DEADMAN, and SO MUCH MORE.
A Walk Down Memory Lane
Going to New York
WrestleMania V – 2nd April 1989
The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers
The Popcorn Spot
WrestleMania VI – 1st April 1990
The Rockers vs. The Orient Express
Championship Aspirations
WrestleMania VII – 24th March 1991
The Rockers vs. Haku & The Barbarian
Time to Make a Split
WrestleMania VIII – 5th April 1992
Shawn Michaels vs. Tito Santana
A Veil of Negativity
WrestleMania IX – 4th April 1993
Intercontinental Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka
Shawn vs. The Ladder
WrestleMania X – 20th March 1994
Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship
Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon
Under Stern Direction
WrestleMania XI – 2nd April 1995
WWE Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel
One Hour – No Falls
WrestleMania XII – 31st March 1996
Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship
Shawn Michaels vs. Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart
Such a Blur
WrestleMania XIV – 29th March 1998
WWE Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin
Young in My Salvation
WrestleMania XIX – 30th March 2003
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Great Expectations
WrestleMania 21 – 3rd April 2005
Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
The Boss is an Idiot…?
WrestleMania 22 – 2nd April 2006
No Holds Barred Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. McMahon
Nobody Could Touch Me
WrestleMania 23 – 1st April 2007
WWE Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena
A Bittersweet Situation
WrestleMania XXIV – 30th March 2008
Ric Flair’s Career on the Line
Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair
Disney World! And then it sucks…
No Question Marks
WrestleMania XXV – 5th April 2009
Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
The Dive
Ready to Come Home
WrestleMania XXVI – 28th March 2010
No Disqualification: Streak vs. Career Match
Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
The Way It’s Supposed to Be