I DVD "Regione 1" sono i DVD ufficiali prodotti da WWE per il mercato nordamericano. Questi DVD non sono normalmente leggibili dai lettori standard venduti sul mercato europeo. Sono invece facilmente leggibili da PC o attraverso dispositivi All Region ( in origine o modificati/craccati).
Since ascending to the pinnacle of WWE superstardom, John Cena has stared down an endless gauntlet of doubters, haters, as well as the fiercest challengers WWE has to offer, and risen above them all. His determination and resilience have earned him legions of fans, and nothing brings the members of Cenation to their feet more than seeing their hero rise to the occasion inside the squared circle. With this special compilation, relive some of the greatest battles featuring the most popular WWE Superstar of this generation, including matches never-before released on DVD!
World Heavyweight ChampionshipJohn Cena vs. Chris JerichoArmageddon - December 14, 2008Triple Threat Match for the WWE ChampionshipJohn Cena vs. Triple H vs. Shawn MichaelsSurvivor Series - November 22, 2009Superstar of the Year MatchJohn Cena vs. Randy OrtonRaw - December 14, 2009Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the WWE ChampionshipJohn Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The MizExtreme Rules - May 1, 2011