DVD Shawn Michaels - Heartbreak & Triumph (2 DVD) (Pari al nuovo)

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Lingua: inglese
Edizione Sendi Mutiara (Malesia)

Lui è l’Heartbreak Kid, the Showstopper. Per più di due decadi Shawn Michaels ha avuto incredibili incontri nel ring e momenti controversi fuori dal ring. Adesso, per la prima volta su DVD i fan possono vedere l’intera storia, dai Rockers attraverso D-Generation X e la cricca ed il Montreal Screwjob. Questa collezione di DVD a tre dischi comprende alcuni tra i più grandi incontri di Shawn Michaels, incluso alcuni mai stati disponibili prima su DVD.

Match inclusi:

Shawn Michaels vs. Billy Jack Haynes
WCCW 11/01/85

AWA Tag Team Championship Match
The Midnight Rockers vs. Buddy Rose & Doug Somers
AWA 10/02/87

AWA Tag Team Championship Match
The Midnight Rockers vs. Super Ninja & Ninja Go
AWA 12/06/87

The Rockers vs. The Brainbusters
MSG 23/01/89

WWE Tag Team Championship Match (2 out of 3 falls)
The Rockers vs. The Hart Foundation
October 1990

The Rockers vs. Orient Express
Royal Rumble 19/01/91

Intercontinental Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. The British Bulldog
Saturday Night’s Main Event 08/11/92

Shawn Michaels enters #1 and wins the Rumble
Royal Rumble 22/01/95

Intercontinental Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Jarrett
In Your House 23/07/95

WWE Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. The British Bulldog
King of the Ring 23/06/96

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
RAW 29/12/03

The Rockers vs. La Resistance
RAW 14/03/05

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Vengeance 26/06/05

Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena
RAW 23/04/07

RAW 04/04/94 – Heartbreak Hotel
Tell Me A Lie Music Video
RAW 01/08/05 - Larry King Spoof

scene cancellate
Wrestling Academy
Bible Teacher
Colorado Expedition
Who’s the Greatest “Wrestler”?

High School Prankster
High School Talent Show
Letter Jacket
Mom’s Approval
The Bruise
The Rockers “Fight”
This Is a Little Higher Than I Thought
Brown Pants